احلى بوستات ضحك بالانجليزيةبوستات انجليزية جامدة جدابوستات مجنونة بالانجليزيستاتي ضحك بالانجليزية

بوستات جامدة جدا و مجنونة بالانجليزي, احلى بوستات ضحك بالانجليزية مكتوبة للنسخ – الجوكر العربي

بوستات جامدة جدا و مجنونة بالانجليزي, احلى بوستات ضحك بالانجليزية مكتوبة للنسخ احدث بوستات انجليزية مكتوبة للنسخ عن الجنون روعه للفيس بوك والواتس اب 2020 بوستات مضحكة و مجنونة بالانجليزية جامدة جدا للانستقرام وتويتر مكتوبة 2021

بوستات جامدة جدا و مجنونة بالانجليزي, احلى بوستات ضحك بالانجليزية مكتوبة للنسخ 2021 - الجوكر العربي
بوستات جامدة جدا و مجنونة بالانجليزي, احلى بوستات ضحك بالانجليزية مكتوبة للنسخ – الجوكر العربي

بوستات مضحكة و مجنونة بالانجليزية جامدة جدا للانستقرام وتويتر مكتوبة 2021

  • I hate how chocolates immediately melt on my fingers. I mean, am i that hot?
  • Dear Food, Either stop being so delicious or stop making me fat 🙂
  • Try to say the letter M without your lips touching.
  • In Modern Politics, Even The Leader Of The Free World Needs Help From The Sultan Of Facebookistan!
  • Sometimes its better to bunk the class instead of attending it Cause today wen I look back, my marks never make me laugh but memories d…
  • Accept the craziness. Life will be a bore without it.
  • I wonder what happens when doctor’s wife eats an apple a day. 🙂
  • Babies are so lucky. They can sleep all day still everyone loves them.
  • I hate when ex’s say… “I am here if you need me.” like….? where were you? when we were together and I needed you?
  • I don’t care if you think I’m crazy. Life is too short to be normal.
  • 80% of boys have girlfriends.. Rest 20% are having brain.
  • Im a humble person, really. I’m actually much greater than I think I am.
  • Arrange marriage these days is the agreement between two broken hearts.
  • Running away does not help you with your problems, unless you are fat.
  • We all have that one person we hate but constantly look at their facebook profile.
  • TODAY has been cancelled. Go back to BED 🙂
  • When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a ten-year married man looks happy, we wonder why.
  • I’m a good boy with bad habits 😛
  • I really want to work so hard. But being lazy is so much fun.
  • If Your age was to be determined by the 2 last digits of your phone number, how old wil you be?
  • I want someone to look at me the way I look at cupcakes!!
  • Some people should have multiple Facebook accounts to go along with their multiple personalities.
  • Did anyone else notice the sound if you click the like button on my status?
  • Its better to fail than to cheat but its better to cheat than to repeat.
  • Laugh alone and the world thinks you’re an idiot.

احدث بوستات انجليزية مكتوبة للنسخ عن الجنون روعه للفيس بوك والواتس اب 2020

  • We are WTF generation …. WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook 😀
  • Nothing is illegal until you get caught 🙂
  • Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.
  • Dear Google, thank you for doing most of my homework for me. 🙂
  • I know that you know that I know what you know and you know what they know so I know what you know they know, you know?
  • I Like to study.. Arithmetic – NO … world history – NO …. chemistry – NO …. GIRLS – YES!
  • We live in WTF generation – Wikipedia, twitter, facebook
  • I was talking to myself last night and we both agreed that you’re crazy..
  • Money is made of paper, paper is made of wood, and wood is made from trees. Therefore, money does grow on trees.
  • Sometimes I wonder how many miles I have scrolled my mouse wheel.
  • Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tigr in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything.
  • Do not keep all your work for tomorrow, always remember you can also do it the day after tomorrow.. Be lazy, Think crazy
  • People never remember the million times you help them, only the one time you don’t.
  • I’m shy at first, but once I’m comfortable with you get ready for some crazy shit.
  • Some people should try thinking, it’s not illegal yet
  • You remind me of my Chinese friend… Ug Lee
  • Flip a coin… If head comes, I am yours, if tail comes then you are mine. 🙂
  • Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary? 🙂
  • It doesn’t matter what people say about you. It matters what you’re going to do to them after they say it!
  • I only need 3 things in life: Food, Wifi, Sleep 🙂
  • My biggest concern in life is actually how my online friends can be informed of my death!
  • Every girl deserves ONE GUY who looks at her every day like it’s the first time he saw her. And Im that ONE GUY 🙂
  • Dear Lord, there is a bug in your software…it’s called #Monday, please fix it
  • I wish I could record my dreams and watch them later.
  • I am not addicted to Facebook. I only use it when I have time … … … lunch time, break time, bed time, this time, that time, any time, all the time. 🙂
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